My Five Favorite Perennials – Spring 2023

I’m still so excited to see colors every day when I step outside. How ’bout you? I’m a bit late publishing this, but here they are regardless… #5 – Oenothera fruticosa (Sundrops) – These cheery yellow blooms have won me over completely. At first I resented their presence in my front flowerbed because they seemedContinue reading “My Five Favorite Perennials – Spring 2023”

Why Are All the First Spring Blooms Yellow?

The yellow Crocuses were the first blooms I spotted this year. They were fully open on the 15th of February. I also saw some Winter Aconite in bloom shortly after the Crocuses. It’s no wonder that we have blooms this early, we just lived through the fourth warmest February in the global climate record (NOAA,Continue reading “Why Are All the First Spring Blooms Yellow?”

I Accidentally Fell in Love With Amaryllis

In more than 20 years of growing houseplants, I have resisted the urge to grow Amaryllis. I’m not sure why really. It’s so rare to have a plant that blooms at Christmas time and Amaryllis flowers are showy and beautiful. I think maybe I’ve resisted because I feel a sort of pressure to make ChristmasContinue reading “I Accidentally Fell in Love With Amaryllis”

My Dreamy Paperbark Maple Tree

Way back in the day, when I was studying for my Master Gardener, I came across photos of a Paperbark Maple. It quickly became an object of obsession for me. I adore plants in the landscape that have interest in all four seasons because I live in Zone 6(a) Ohio where we actually enjoy fourContinue reading “My Dreamy Paperbark Maple Tree”

My Five Favorite Houseplants – Winter 2023

It’s true that my favorite plants can change daily, but I thought it would be fun to share my current favorites with you. #5 – Network Calathea (Goeppertia kegeljanii (formerly Calathea musaica)) – I have killed one or two of these plants in the past, but this third one is thriving in my care. I’mContinue reading “My Five Favorite Houseplants – Winter 2023”

Repotting and Dividing a Giant Aloe Vera Plant

Hello my friends and happy New Year! My sister showed up at my house a couple days ago with this poor awkward Aloe plant and asked for my help. My mom originally purchased this Aloe in a tiny 3″ pot at Walmart. I don’t remember the date, but I was there the day that sheContinue reading “Repotting and Dividing a Giant Aloe Vera Plant”

August Blooms in the Garden

It was a hot August for most of us, and despite the blazing temperatures, we still had some beautiful blooms throughout the month. I have chosen plants that can perform through the heat and drought because I like to enjoy blooms throughout the growing season. Allium, Agastache, Lupines, Hibiscus, Rudbeckia, Passiflora, Echinacea, Buddleia and LavenderContinue reading “August Blooms in the Garden”

Perfect Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for Houseplant Lovers

If you have someone if your life who loves houseplants, this list of gift ideas is for you. I’ve included all items that I use almost daily for my own plants; I wouldn’t recommend things that I don’t own or use frequently. I ordered the gifts from least expensive to most expensive and I thinkContinue reading “Perfect Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for Houseplant Lovers”

When is it Safe to Prune Your Oak Trees?

If you live in any of the Midwestern states or in Texas, you have probably heard of Oak Wilt disease. And if you’re like me, all this talk of Oak Wilt has you feeling scared to prune your Oak trees at all. Don’t be afraid, my friend, it is still safe to prune your OakContinue reading “When is it Safe to Prune Your Oak Trees?”

How to Care for Philodendron ‘Florida Ghost’

The Florida Ghost is one of my top five favorite houseplants. Their leaf shape is one of the most interesting of the Philodendrons; straight out of a jungle. Their most exciting quality, in my opinion, is the bright white color of the new leaves. They contrast so nicely from the green of the mature leaves.Continue reading “How to Care for Philodendron ‘Florida Ghost’”